Northeast Bassmasters
2012 Year End Fishing Facts
were 12 Points Tournaments for the 2012
fishing season
*169 fisherman became members of Northeast during
the 2012 season making this year's membership the
largest ever
*81 teams fished the 12 tournament schedule
*137 five fish limits were caught during the 12 events
*61.4 % of the field caught limits this season
total of 828 bass were weighed in
*610 were large
*218 were small mouths
*The total weight for the season was 1701.47 pounds
*Average weight of the fish caught was 2.05 pounds
*The team with the most weight for the season goes to
Skip Lerman and Mitch Pierson with 135.56 pounds
*The season's heaviest bag was 18.21 pounds
caught by the team of J.
Hammond and H. Zienowicz
*The team of Schmidt and
Salvatore caught the big fish
for the year a 5 pound 13.4 ounce large mouth
*The most fish caught for the season was 9 five fish
limits or 45 fish for the 9 events that the team of Skip
Lerman and
Mitch Pierson fished
*The only team to fish all
12 events was team Williams
*Our best attended
tournament with 28 teams fishing
the event was on May 19, 2012 on Candlewood
Fish Caught:
35 Large Mouth
93 Small Mouth
Total 128
Total weight for fish caught = 346.5 pounds
Average fish weight = 2.7
pounds each
*We averaged 18.6 teams per event
*Top six teams based on points + total weight
1st Paul Schmidt and Ed Kerr 1967
2nd Skip Lerman
and Mitch Pierson 1876
3rd Mike Williams 1842
4th Greg Breen and Chris Strabone 1465
5th Dave
Tierney and Nick Runo 1406
6th Greg Beattie and Joe Pulice 1359
*2012 Tournament Lunkers
4-14 Hopatcong Mike Wallace 4lb 15.8oz
5-12 Candlewood Joe Follet &
John Stanley 4lb 13.2oz
5-19 Candlewood Mike Heller & Art Vitale 4lb 13.8oz
6-16 Hopatcong Gary & Jeff Voss 4lb 10.2oz
6-30 Greenwood Dan Murphy
& Don Nichols 4lb 2.6oz
7-14 Hopatcong Paul Schmidt & Len Salvatore 5lb
7-28 Greenwood Len Salvatore & Mike Kloss 3lb 4.2oz
8-11 Hopatcong Rich Kale & Rich Swisstack 3lb 14.8oz
8-25 Greenwood
Art Vitale & Mike Keller 4lb3.2oz
9-8 Hopatcong Art Vitale & Ben Keysper
4lb 3.2oz
9-22 Greenwood Dave Tierney & Nick Runo 2lb 15.2oz
9-29 Hopatcong Greg Breen & Chris Strabone 4lb 5.8oz
*Fall Classic October 6th 2012
full field of twenty teams fished the event
44 Large Mouth
2 Small
Total 46
Total weight for
fish caught = 93.12 pounds
Average fish weight = 2.12 pounds each
*First Place Skip Lerman & Mitch Pierson 13lb 10.4oz
*Second Place Mike Kloss & Len Salvatore 13lb 9.8oz
*Third Place
Gary & Jeff Voss 10lb 15.2oz
*Fourth Place Paul Schmidt & Ed Kerr 9lb
I hope to see you all on the water for the 2013
Have a Happy, Healthy, and Fish Filled New Year.