
Club Background

Club History

Northeast Bassmasters was founded in 1995 by former member and past president, Mark Scocco.  The club struggled for a few years with membership and funds because of the pay-as-you-go format that allowed the members to pick and choose the events they would participate in.  The result was that some events were well attended and the payouts were good, while other tournaments were so poorly attended that the payouts were meager to say the least.  The club was reconstructed in 1998 to a full pay dues club which allowed anglers to fish any or all of the tournaments for that year.  This change increased stability and membership for a few years.   With this format, the club was able to establish a budget for the season and standardize payouts for each event regardless of attendance.  Things were going along smoothly, but as times changed so did Northeast Bassmasters.  We began to once again see a decline in membership.  Some members retired and moved away.  Some younger members got married, had families, and had little or no time to fish.  For some members work took precedence over fishing.  By 2005 the executive committee realized that our club format had to change once again.  The executive committee decided to re-design Northeast and make it strictly an open buddy format thus doing away with the individual point system and opening the club to all anglers.  Today, Chuck Martin and Paul Schmidt are the only active members from the original club formed in 1995.  They are running the club strictly as a buddy series, and there has been a resurgence in the club membership.  In 2006 our membership stood at 41, and as our tournament season closed in 2013 our membership hit an all time high of 184 active members.  It seems that we have finally turned the corner with a formula that works.  We welcome one and all to fish with us.  Just bring your boat and a buddy to the registration at one of our events.

You could be the next winner!

Our Goals

  • To promote the sport of bass fishing
  • To enjoy the sport of fishing through friendly competition
  • To experience the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat when mere ounces count
  • To stimulate awareness of conserving our natural resources through catch and release
  • To improve angling skills by sharing techniques
  • To maintain a friendly rapport with lake front property owners
  • To foster the growth of good sportsmanship
  • To be aware of the politics that may change our sport in a negative way and work together to prevent this from happening (example: lake usage fees)
  • To use bass fishing as a means to develop lasting friendships both on and off the water
  • To encourage boating safety at all times

2024 Big Bass Pool
Saturday Division 1... Past Seasons
Thursday Division 2... Past Seasons
Keitech USA Information
Club Background
Our Sponsors
Advertising and Classifieds
Contact Us
Tournaments in Review
Directions to Lakes
Tournament Rules
Franks Tackle
Club Photo Album (Takes Time to Load 2500 Pictures)
Flash Backs
In Memmory Of
Related Links
Fishing Funnies
Candlewood Lake Exposed
Greenwood Lake
Anglers Art
The Quest "Guntersville"

Our Club Officers

Paul J. Schmidt

President &

Web Master



 Ed Kerr

 First Vice-President &

 Web Design





 Len Salvatore

 Second Vice-President



Any problems or questions with this site email the webmaster Harry@njbassfishing.com